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Famous Politicians

This list currently contains 833 personalities among which there are for example, Adolf Hitler, Jacques Chirac, Emmanuel Macron, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Nicolas Sarkozy, Oussama ben Laden, Nelson Mandela, Charles de Gaulle, Marine Le Pen, François Hollande, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Simone Veil, Barack Obama, Philippe de Gaulle, François Mitterrand, Victor Hugo, Bernard Tapie, Guy Môquet, Donald Trump, Winston Churchill, Robert Badinter, Vladimir Poutine, Roland Dumas, Kim Jong-il, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Kim Jong-un, Joseph Staline, Che Guevara, Ségolène Royal, Mouammar Kadhafi, ...
Dictators French Ministers of Culture French Ministers of the Economy French prime ministers French women politicians German leaders Home affairs ministers Italian leaders Nobel Peace Prize (politicians) Presidents of the French Council of Ministers Presidents of the French Republic Presidents of the United States Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom Principal Ministers of State Russian leaders