Celebrity BirthdayCelebrity Birthday

Died in 1992

These celebrities of all nationalities and professions died during the year 1992.

Here are the 35 personalities of all nationalities who left us in 1992 (année bissextile), from the most recent month to the oldest.
Among them, there is for example Michel Berger, Benny Hill, Dick York, Arletty, Jacqueline Maillan, Marlene Dietrich, Jean Poiret, Anthony Perkins, Peyo, Isaac Asimov, Jean-Claude Pascal, Suzanne Gabriello, Georges Delerue, Bruno Pradal, Bob de Moor, ...

December 1992

November 1992

October 1992

September 1992

August 1992

July 1992

June 1992

May 1992

April 1992

March 1992

February 1992

January 1992