Ben 10 is an American media franchise conceived by Man of Action and owned by The Cartoon Network, Inc. The franchise, mainly consisting of animated series produced by Cartoon Network Studios, revolves around a young boy named Ben Tennyson, who discovers the Omnitrix — a high-tech, extraterrestrial device shaped like a wristwatch. This remarkable gadget contains the DNA of various alien species, allowing Ben to transform into them at will. Initially, the Omnitrix features ten alien transformations, but over time, Ben gains the ability to unlock additional species.
The franchise has garnered considerable critical acclaim, securing three Emmy Awards. It encompasses five primary television series, five feature films, and numerous video games. It ranks as Cartoon Network's second longest existing franchise. Furthermore, Ben 10 has inspired a line of toys produced initially by Bandai for the franchise's first four series and later by Playmates Toys for the reboot. The Ben 10 franchise is one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.
On February 17, 2021, Cartoon Network announced three 44-minute specials slated for April 2021, titled Ben 10,010, Ben Gen 10, and Alien X-Tinction. These specials serve as both the series finale for the 2016 reboot and a crossover event involving the first four television series in the franchise.
Source : Wikipedia