The notion of celebrities is subjective. Famous people are not often the same from a point of view irrespective of the country where you live or from one generation to the next.
There are not that many celebrities who are really famous all over the world.
You can read a Wikipedia article dedicated to celebrities.
Here are some subjective criteria applied to make a choice concerning the personalities present on the site.
They must be recognizable by face or name, or have a known activity, be linked to a famous event.
There are no specific criteria for the category.
As in other areas of our society, famous women outnumber men.
There are currently 27.56% women on the site.
The percentage of deceased people is currently
Information by celebrity
Here are some elements that may be present on the celebrity files: age, age of death, date of birth, date of death, city of birth, country of birth, nationality, category , star sign, chinese star sign, size, brief presentation, popularity on Twitter or Youtube, popularity on the site, astral twins, related celebrities, quotes.
Information common to celebrities
The other pages of the site group together personalities by their common points: date of birth (day and month), year of birth, country of birth, age , date of death (day and month), age of death, year of death, first name, popularity, etc.
Any mistake ?
Before adding a new celebrity, we find out from multiple sources to verify the information, including date of birth (and death if applicable).
However, we are not immune to errors.
Do not hesitate to contact us to let us know.
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